Given the ER model above, which of the following statements is CORRECT? A movie can have as many lead actors as there are in the movie. incorrect Producer is an existence dependent entity type. incorrect A director of a movie can also act in the same movie. correct A movie can have multiple actors, producers and directors. incorrect MC

In the movie ER model above, we focus on the binary relationship 'PRODUCES'. Suppose we add an attribute type that indicates the time that each producer spent on producing each movie called 'WORKING HOURS'.

Which of the following scenarios is possible? We can migrate the attribute type 'WORKING HOURS' to the 'MOVIE' entity type. incorrect We can migrate the attribute type 'WORKING HOURS' to the 'PRODUCER' entity type. incorrect We can migrate the attribute type 'WORKING HOURS' to either one of the linked entity types. incorrect We can add the attribute type 'WORKING HOURS' to the relationship type PRODUCES. correct MC Which statement is CORRECT? In case a ternary relationship type is represented as 3 binary relationship types, then semantics will get lost. correct A ternary relationship type can always be represented as 3 binary relationship types without loss of semantics. incorrect 3 binary relationship types between 3 entity types can always be replaced by 1 ternary relationship type between the 3 participating entity types. incorrect A ternary relationship type cannot have attribute types. incorrect MC Which statement is CORRECT? A weak entity type can only have one attribute type. incorrect A weak entity type is always existence dependent. correct An existence dependent entity type is always a weak entity type. incorrect An existence dependent entity type always participates in a 1:1 relationship type. incorrect MC Given the following ER model:

Which statement is NOT CORRECT? The ER model does not enforce that a supplier can only have purchase orders outstanding for products he/she can actually supply. incorrect The ER model has both weak and existence dependent entity types. correct According to the ER model, a supplier cannot have more than 1 address. incorrect According to the ER model, there can be suppliers that supply no products and have no purchase orders outstanding. incorrect MC Given the following EER specialisation:

According to the model, which of the following statements is CORRECT? A supermarket product can be a food and non-food product at the same time. incorrect There are certain supermarket products that are not Fruits&Vegetables, not meat and not non-food. correct All food products are either Fruits&Vegetables or meat. incorrect A meat product does not have any attributes types. incorrect MC Given the following EER categorisation:

Which statement is CORRECT? All men and women are patients. incorrect A patient only inherits the 'Name' and 'Date of Birth' attribute types from the superclass that the current entity belongs to. correct The categorisation can also be represented as a specialisation. incorrect The categorisation can also be represented as an aggregation. incorrect MC Which one of the following is an example of a DISJOINT and PARTIAL specialisation? HUMAN -> VEGETARIAN + NON-VEGETARIAN incorrect HUMAN -> BLONDE + BRUNETTE correct HUMAN -> LOVES FISH + LOVES MEAT incorrect HUMAN -> UNIVERSITY DEGREE + COLLEGE DEGREE incorrect MC Which statement is CORRECT? An aggregation cannot have attribute types. incorrect An aggregation cannot participate in a relationship type. incorrect An aggregation should have both attribute types and participate in one or more relationship types. incorrect An aggregation can have attribute types and participate in relationship types. correct MC Consider the following EER model of a database which stores information about scientific publications.

Which statement is CORRECT? According to the EER model, a scientific article can be at the same time a peer reviewed paper and a technical report. incorrect According to the EER model, an author can be a reviewer of his/her own peer reviewed paper. correct According to the EER model, two journals can never have the same title, even when they are being published by different publishers. incorrect The EER model has weak entity types, but no existence dependent entity types. incorrect MC Which statement is CORRECT? A class is an instance of an object. incorrect A class only has variables. incorrect Inheritance is not supported in Object-Orientation. incorrect Information hiding (also referred to as encapsulation) states that the variables of an object can only be accessed through either getter or setter methods. correct MC Which variables types are not directly supported in UML? Composite variables incorrect Multivalued variables incorrect Variables with unique values (similar to key attribute types in the ER model) correct Derived variables incorrect MC Which statement is NOT CORRECT? In UML, access modifiers can be used to specify who can have access to a variable or method. incorrect A private access modifier (denoted by the symbol '-') is used in case the variable or method can only be accessed by the class itself. incorrect A public access modifier (denoted by the symbol '+') is used in case the variable or method can be accessed by any other class. incorrect A protected access modifier (denoted by the symbol '#') is used in case the variable or method can be accessed by both the class and its superclasses. correct MC Which statement is CORRECT? An association is an instance of a link. incorrect Only binary associations are supported in the UML class diagram. incorrect An association is always bidirectional. incorrect Qualified associations can be used to represent weak entity types. correct MC A composite aggregation... has a maximum multiplicity of 1 and a minimum multiplicity of 0 or 1 at the composite side. correct has a maximum multiplicity of n and a minimum multiplicity of 0 at the composite side. incorrect has a maximum multiplicity of n and a minimum multiplicity of 0 or 1 at the composite side. incorrect has a maximum multiplicity of 1 and a minimum multiplicity of 1 at the composite side. incorrect MC Which statement is NOT CORRECT? The changeability property specifies the type of operations which are allowed on either variable values or links. incorrect OCL constraints are defined in a procedural way. correct OCL constraints can be used for various purposes such as, to specify invariants for classes, to specify pre- and post-conditions for methods, to navigate between classes, or to define constraints on operations. incorrect In UML, dependency defines a 'using' relationship which states that a change in the specification of a UML modeling concept may affect another modeling concept that uses it. incorrect