MC CODASYL is an example of... A Hierarchical DBMS incorrect A Network DBMS correct A Relational DBMS incorrect An Object-Oriented DBMS incorrect MC Statement A: Native XML DBMSs map the hierarchical structure of an XML document to a physical storage structure, because they are able to use the intrinsic structure of an XML document.

Statement B: XML-enabled DBMSs are able to store XML data in an integrated and transparent way, because they are able to use the intrinsic structure of an XML document.

Which statement(s) is/are correct? Neither A or B incorrect Only B incorrect Only A correct A and B incorrect MC Statement A: In a Hierarchical DBMS, DML is declarative and set oriented with a query processor.

Statement B: In a relational DBMS, there is data independence between the conceptual and internal data model.

Which statement(s) is/are correct? Neither A or B incorrect Only B correct Only A incorrect A and B incorrect MC Which of these is not a part of the Storage Manager in the DBMS Architecture? Buffer Manager incorrect Connection Manager correct Transaction Manager incorrect Recovery Manager incorrect MC Statement A: There is no query processor available in procedural DML.

Statement B: With procedural DML, the DBMS determines the access path and navigational strategy to locate and modify the data specified in the query.

Which sentence(s) is/are right? A and B incorrect Only A correct Only B incorrect Neither A or B incorrect MC Statement A: In a Hierarchical DBMS, DML is declarative and set oriented with a query processor.

Statement B: In a relational DBMS, there is data independence between the conceptual and internal data model.

Which statement(s) is/are correct? Only B correct Neither A or B incorrect Only A incorrect A and B incorrect MC Which of the following DBMS types is not a classification based on a data model? Object-Relational DBMS incorrect Hierarchical DBMS incorrect Cloud DBMS correct Network DBMS incorrect MC Statement A: Native XML DBMSs map the hierarchical structure of an XML document to a physical storage structure, because they are able to use the intrinsic structure of an XML document.

Statement B: XML-enabled DBMSs are able to store XML data in an integrated and transparent way, because they are able to use the intrinsic structure of an XML document.

Which statement(s) is/are correct? A and B incorrect Only A correct Neither A or B incorrect Only B incorrect MC Which of these is not a part of the Storage Manager in the DBMS Architecture? Connection Manager correct Recovery Manager incorrect Transaction Manager incorrect Buffer Manager incorrect MC Statement A: In a Hierarchical DBMS, DML is declarative and set oriented with a query processor.

Statement B: In a relational DBMS, there is data independence between the conceptual and internal data model.

Which statement(s) is/are correct? Neither A or B incorrect Only A incorrect Only B correct A and B incorrect