MC The GIGO-principle mainly relates to which aspect of the analytics process? Data selection incorrect Data transformation incorrect Data cleaning incorrect The GIGO-principle applies to all of these listed aspects correct MC Is the following statement true or false? "All given success factors of an analytical model, i.e. relevance, performance, interpretability, efficiency, economical cost and regulatory compliance, are always equally important." True incorrect False correct MC Which of the following activities are part of the post-processing step? Model interpretation and validation incorrect Sensitivity analysis incorrect Model representation incorrect All of these activities correct MC Given the following decision tree:

According to the decision tree, an applicant with Income > $50.000 and High Debt=Yes is classified as: Bad Risk correct Good Risk incorrect MC Decision trees can be used in the following applications: Credit risk scoring, churn prediction, customer profile segmentation and market basket analysis. incorrect Credit risk scoring, churn prediction and customer profile segmentation incorrect Credit risk scoring and churn prediction correct Credit risk scoring incorrect MC Which statement is NOT CORRECT? The aim of clustering is to come up with clusters such that the homogeneity within a cluster is minimized and the heterogeneity between clusters is minimized. incorrect The aim of clustering is to come up with clusters such that the homogeneity within a cluster is minimized and the heterogeneity between clusters is maximized. incorrect Data preprocessing activities such as handling missing values, duplicate data or outliers are preventive measures for dealing with data quality issues. correct Label-Based Access Control (LBAC) is a control mechanism to protect your data against unauthorized access and can differentiate between the level of authorization that is granted to users. incorrect MC Decision trees can be used in the following applications: Credit risk scoring, churn prediction, customer profile segmentation and market basket analysis. incorrect Credit risk scoring incorrect Credit risk scoring and churn prediction correct Credit risk scoring, churn prediction and customer profile segmentation incorrect MC Which of the following activities are part of the post-processing step? Model interpretation and validation incorrect Sensitivity analysis incorrect Model representation incorrect All of these activities correct MC Which of the following is not a risk when outsourcing analytics? Dilution of competitive advantage due to e.g. mergers and acquisitions. incorrect The fact that all analytical activities need to be outsourced correct Continuity of the partnership incorrect The exchange of confidential information incorrect MC Which of the following measures cannot be used to make the splitting decision in a regression tree? Entropy correct Mean Squared Error (MSE) incorrect ANOVA/F-test incorrect