MC Objects should be made persistent when... you only need them during 1 program execution, and then never again. incorrect you need them over multiple program executions. correct MC Which statement is CORRECT? Information hiding is achieved by hiding certain variables to the outside world to ensure that they can never be retrieved or modified. incorrect A class can be instantiated into several objects. correct Each literal is defined by an OID according to the ODMG standard. incorrect Serialization for object persistence eliminates all the disadvantages associated with the file-based approach to data management. incorrect MC Which statement is NOT CORRECT? A class can be instantiated into several objects. incorrect Objects store both a piece of information and ways to manipulate this information. incorrect Objects are blueprints of classes. "Human", "Employee", "Sale" are examples of objects. correct Objects are instances of classes. The people "Bart Baesens", "Wilfried Lemahieu" and "Seppe vanden Broucke" could be instances of the class "Person". incorrect MC Objects should be made persistent when... you only need them during 1 program execution, and then never again. incorrect you need them over multiple program executions. correct MC Which statement is NOT CORRECT? Objects are instances of classes. The people "Bart Baesens", "Wilfried Lemahieu" and "Seppe vanden Broucke" could be instances of the class "Person". incorrect Objects are blueprints of classes. "Human", "Employee", "Sale" are examples of objects. correct Objects store both a piece of information and ways to manipulate this information. incorrect A class can be instantiated into several objects. incorrect MC Which statement is NOT CORRECT? A class can be instantiated into several objects. incorrect Objects are instances of classes. The people "Bart Baesens", "Wilfried Lemahieu" and "Seppe vanden Broucke" could be instances of the class "Person". incorrect Objects store both a piece of information and ways to manipulate this information. incorrect Objects are blueprints of classes. "Human", "Employee", "Sale" are examples of objects. correct MC Which statement is CORRECT? Different subclasses of a parent class can all have different implementations of methods with the same name, number of parameters and parameter types. correct In an inheritance structure with a parent-class "Animal" and sub-class "Chicken" at most 1 of these classes is allowed to have a method with name "makeNoise". incorrect Static binding occurs at run-time whereas dynamic binding occurs at compile-time. incorrect Dynamic binding means that objects are allowed to take the form of either the class they are an instance of, or any of its sub classes. incorrect MC Which statement is NOT CORRECT? Persistence by marking implies that all objects will be created as persistent. An object can then be marked as transient at compile-time. correct Persistence by class implies that all objects of a particular class will be made persistent. incorrect Persistence by creation is achieved by extending the syntax for creating objects to indicate at compile-time that an object should be made persistent. incorrect Persistence by inheritance indicates that the persistence capabilities are inherited from a pre-defined persistent class. incorrect MC In Java, what is method overloading? Making sure that every method uses all variables of the class. incorrect Offering the user of your class all possible methods that he/she would like to perform on the variables the class offers. incorrect Putting so much code in a method that its functionality becomes hard to understand. incorrect Using two methods with the same name, but a different number (and/or different type) of arguments. correct MC In Java, what is method overloading? Putting so much code in a method that its functionality becomes hard to understand. incorrect Offering the user of your class all possible methods that he/she would like to perform on the variables the class offers. incorrect Using two methods with the same name, but a different number (and/or different type) of arguments. correct Making sure that every method uses all variables of the class. incorrect