MC Which of the following statements describes NoSQL databases best? NoSQL databases do not support joins. incorrect NoSQL databases are not capable to deal with large datasets. incorrect NoSQL databases are non-relational. correct A NoSQL database offers no support for SQL. incorrect MC Which of the following is not a property of a good hash function for use in key-value based storage structures? A hash function should always return the same output for the same input. incorrect A hash function should return an output of fixed size. incorrect Two hashes from two inputs that differ little should also differ as little as possible. correct A good hash function should map its inputs as evenly as possible over the output range. incorrect MC Which of the following is not an example of a NoSQL database? Graph based databases. incorrect XML based databases. incorrect Document based databases. incorrect All three can be regarded as NoSQL databases. correct MC What does the following Cypher query express?

MATCH (bart:User {name:'Bart'})-[:KNOWS*2]->(f)
WHERE NOT((bart)-[:KNOWS]->(f))
Does not return Bart's friends, but returns their friends if Bart does not know them correct Returns Bart's friends who have exactly one other friend incorrect Return all of Bart's friends, and their friends as well incorrect Does not return Bart's friends, but returns their friends incorrect MC Which statement is CORRECT? Document stores require that you perform all filtering and aggregation logic in your application. incorrect Document stores are built on the same ideas as key-value and tuple based database systems. correct Document stores do not provide SQL-like capabilities. incorrect Document stores require users to define document schemas before data can be inserted. incorrect MC Using Cypher, how do you get a list of all movies Wilfried Lemahieu has liked, when he has given at least four stars? MATCH (b:User)--(m:Movie)
WHERE = "Wilfried Lemahieu"
AND l.stars >= 4
RETURN m incorrect MATCH (b:User)-[I:LIKES]-(m:Movie)
WHERE = "Wilfried Lemahieu"
AND l.stars >= 4
RETURN m correct SELECT (b:User)--m:Movie)
WHERE = "Wilfried Lemahieu"
AND m.starts >= 4 incorrect MATCH (b:User)-[I:LIKES]-(m:Movie)
WHERE = "Wilfried Lemahieu"
AND m.stars >=4
RETURN m incorrect MC Which statement is CORRECT? Document stores do not provide SQL-like capabilities. incorrect Document stores are built on the same ideas as key-value and tuple based database systems. correct Document stores require users to define document schemas before data can be inserted. incorrect Document stores require that you perform all filtering and aggregation logic in your application. incorrect MC Which statement is NOT CORRECT? Edges in graphs can be uni- or bidirectional. incorrect Graph databases work particularly well on tree-like structures. incorrect Graphs are mathematical structures consisting of nodes and edges. incorrect Graph models are not capable to model many-to-many relationships. correct MC Using Cypher, how do you get a list of all movies Wilfried Lemahieu has liked, when he has given at least four stars? SELECT (b:User)--m:Movie)
WHERE = "Wilfried Lemahieu"
AND m.starts >= 4 incorrect MATCH (b:User)-[I:LIKES]-(m:Movie)
WHERE = "Wilfried Lemahieu"
AND m.stars >=4
RETURN m incorrect MATCH (b:User)--(m:Movie)
WHERE = "Wilfried Lemahieu"
AND l.stars >= 4
RETURN m incorrect MATCH (b:User)-[I:LIKES]-(m:Movie)
WHERE = "Wilfried Lemahieu"
AND l.stars >= 4
RETURN m correct MC What does the following Cypher query express?

MATCH (bart:User {name:'Bart'})-[:KNOWS*2]->(f)
WHERE NOT((bart)-[:KNOWS]->(f))
Returns Bart's friends who have exactly one other friend incorrect Does not return Bart's friends, but returns their friends incorrect Does not return Bart's friends, but returns their friends if Bart does not know them correct Return all of Bart's friends, and their friends as well incorrect