MC Which statement is NOT CORRECT? Process integration is to integrate and harmonize the various business processes in an organization as much as possible. incorrect The data flow perspective of a business process focusses on the inputs of the tasks (e.g., the interest rate offered depends on the credit score). incorrect The control flow perspective of a business process specifies the correct sequencing of tasks (e.g., a loan offer can only be made when the credit score has been calculated). incorrect In a service oriented context, there is a tendency to physically integrate services with the purpose of task coordination with services that perform the actual task execution and services that provide access to the necessary data. correct MC Process execution languages such as WS-BPEL aim at managing... only the control flow. incorrect only the data flow. incorrect both the control and data flow. correct MC Ideally, data integration should include... only processes. incorrect only data. incorrect both processes and data. correct MC Which statement is NOT CORRECT? Enterprise Information Integration (EII) is an example of data integration. incorrect Contrary to a federated database as offered by basic EII, data virtualization does not impose a single data model on top of the heterogeneous data sources. incorrect Master Data Management (MDM) compromises a series of processes, policies, standards, and tools to help organizations to define and provide multiple points of reference for all data that is "mastered". correct Analytics for tactic/strategic decision making increasingly uses real-time operational data combined with the aggregated and historical data found in more traditional data warehouses. incorrect MC Process execution languages such as WS-BPEL aim at managing... only the control flow. incorrect only the data flow. incorrect both the control and data flow. correct MC The federation pattern typically follows... a pull approach correct a push approach incorrect MC Which statement is NOT CORRECT? Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) and Enterprise Data Replication (EDR) are examples of data consolidation. correct Contrary to a federated database as offered by basic EII, data virtualization does not impose a single data model on top of the heterogeneous data sources. incorrect Analytics for tactic/strategic decision making increasingly uses real-time operational data combined with the aggregated and historical data found in more traditional data warehouses. incorrect Analytics techniques are more and more used at the operational level as well by front-line employees. incorrect MC Process execution languages such as WS-BPEL aim at managing... both the control and data flow. correct only the data flow. incorrect only the control flow. incorrect MC Ideally, data integration should include... only data. incorrect only processes. incorrect both processes and data. correct MC The federation pattern typically follows... a pull approach correct a push approach incorrect